Thursday, March 29, 2007

Holes, more or less

The pothole at the (currently) only parking lot entrance was filled in yesterday, so that was a good sign. However, there are still many, many other rough spots and potholes throughout the parking lot, mostly thanks to the shoddy paving job done at the end of last Fall. Many soft spots opened up at the beginning of March and now the pavement is simply beginning to crumble and disintigrate in these locations, mostly in the through-traffic area in front of the building.

The property manager claims that she was completely caught off-guard by the Jersey barriers going up Tuesday. Even though she apologized, she still tried to shunt the blame. The fact remains that just because you were caught off-guard does not mean that you weren't at fault. She should have kept better tabs on when the Jersey barriers would be put in place. Additionally, she knew about the fact that they were coming beforehand. She made no effort to inform residents that this change would be taking place. I would have appreciated some information that the change was coming, even if told that it would be at an unknown time in the future. This is simply more evidence of a complete lack of professionalism on the part of the property manager. Ignorance is not an excuse, it is an indictment.

Finally, there does not seem to be any timetable for opening another parking lot entrance on the Broadway Street side of the parking lot. The property manager claims to be waiting to hear from the city but appears unmotivated to make the process happen as quickly as possible. The problem is that this is already overdue: it should have happened well before the other entrance was blocked off.

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